A selection of edited and proofread books and papers
(and my role in the project):
In Search of the Happy Farm: Investigating the Social Construction and Narration of Animals and Human-animal Relationships in Award-winning Contemporary Australian Literature for Children Under Seven (thesis proofreader)
Development of an integrated project management tool (thesis proofreader)
The Falling Blade (historical fiction editor)
My Life with a German Shepherd by Christine Durrant (memoir editor)
Bubbles' Tale by Colleen Sheehan (memoir editor)
Belle of the Ashes by E.R. (self-help book editor)
Philosopholutionist by H.N. (social change philosophy book proofreader)
Transform Nutrition cookbooks by Samantha McDonald (cook book proofreader)
Drop In by J.H. (novel structural editor)
Atheiasaurus by A.C. (middle-grade science fiction editor)
Selfies From Townsville by Maggie O (children's picture book proofreader)
Why Superheroes Eat Their Greens by Craig Howlett (children's picture book proofreader)
Breaking Free From the Chains of Silence by L.N. (self-help book proofreader)
What Your Mother Did Not Tell You by Beryl Webber (self-help book proofreader)
The Mud Monster by S.K. (children's picture book proofreader)
Black Ops Zulu* by A. Bozikas (thriller novel proofreader)
The Straight and Narrow* by S. Kirk (fiction novel proofreader)
FIFO There is a Healthier Way* by Steve Hord (nutrition and health book proofreader)
Get That Headache Sorted by Bernie Searle (Health non-fiction book proofreader)
Is Breast Cancer Preventable? by Bernie Searle (allied health book proofreader)
The Wonderful Story of Electricity by A J Neeson
(children's non-fiction rhyming verse proofreader)
The Olive Pickers—Petty (literary fiction proofreader)
The Holy Spirit—Masaka (spiritual non-fiction proofreader)
Anne Threw a Streamer—Jan Leader and Graeme Mitchell
(Australian juvenile fiction editor/ghost-writer)
MV Blythe Star—Noga (fiction based on a true story proofreader)
The Devil's Prayer—Luke Gracias (historical fiction editor)
The Missing Peace (self-help book proofreader)
Forever A Fool's Paradise (philosophy book editor)
Archipelago—Talbot (science fiction editor)
Sex God Status—McGregor (sexual health book editor)
Collective Social Intelligence—Jones (non-fiction editor)
The Orc—M.C.Martine (fantasy novel proofreader)
Symbols—Gretchen Netterfield (science fiction proofreader)
24 Seconds—Gretchen Netterfield (science fiction proofreader)
Deal Assessor: Your Guide to Selling Through Group Buying Sites 
(business non-fiction proofreader)
Sebastian Cornwell—Danny Bryan (fantasy proofreader)
Pebbles in the Road—Ryll Paul (memoir editor)
Your Child’s Lunchbox—Jennifer McDowell (self-help editor)
Sammy Saves the Day—Warren Byrnes (children's picture book proofreader)
Orange Town, Paul Rhoden (contemporary fiction proofreader)
Mythic Resonance—multiple authors (short story proofreader)

Feedback about Amanda

"Thank you for your really detailed and insightful response. There is a lot to absorb and a great deal of thinking for me to do. I appreciate your directness in pointing out all of the faults in the story. Also you gave some interesting plot lines to follow. Thanks again for a good whacking. As I said, I need to do a lot of thinking. I'll give it to you, you're good."—A.C.
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